Ecuador is a tiny, amazing, Andean country (283.000 sq Km) that embraces a great diversity of habitats ranging from the Pacific coast in the west, to the cloud forest regions, to the snow capped volcanoes of the Andes, to the lowlands of the rainforest in the east. On top of this great variety of ecosystems, Ecuador offers the only natural laboratory of wildlife evolution - the Galapagos Islands.
Ecuador flora and fauna
For many ecologists, Ecuador is one of the hot spots of mega diversity in the world. Considering the size of Ecuador, this country has more species of plants and animals than any other on Earth. Here you can find more than 20,000 species of plants, 1,661 species of birds, 369 species of mammals, 409 species of reptiles, 402 species of amphibians, 1,250 species of fish and a countless number of insects.
Time to visit Ecuador
Ecuador is crossed by the Equator and encompasses both the northern and southern hemispheres of the globe giving it a very special climate which many consider the eternal spring. You can visit Ecuador any time of the year, although it is important to know that the coast is warm and humid from January to May. In the Andes the driest season is usually from June to August, but coincidentally this period is the wettest in the rainforest.
Ecuador culture and nationalities
Besides these natural riches, Ecuador is also a multicultural country; the highest percentage of the population is mestizo (a mixture of indigenous and European) but there are many other native cultures, most of whom conserve their traditional way of life. The most remarkable of these are the Otavalos, Salasacas, Cañaris, Saraguros in the Highlands, the Chachis, Tsachilas, Awas, Afroecuadorians in the coast and the Huaorani, Cofanes, Sionas, Secoyas, Shuaras, Achuaras, Quichuas in the rainforest.
Ecuador's history and diversity make this country one of the most attractive places to visit on the planet, guaranteeing an unforgettable experience. Ecuador Nature Expeditions offers a variety of nature tours allowing you to experience both the natural and cultural diversity that Ecuador has to offer.
Waorani Leader
Cris, Juan Fernando and Elisabeth were very knowledgable and fun to work with.